Peace and Protection forum

active X command

SiD - 24-7-2012 at 00:42

how can i activate X command without having to add autologin to PnP
i have auto login in my bnc (znc) so it always notice me when i connect that im already logged
i would like to always activate the command

kap - 27-9-2015 at 14:58

Hi SiD!

I disconnect from my bouncer and upon reconnecting I can verify I am still registered with X, but the X commands have gone.
So, what happens?

So the fix you are looking for involves running these commands manually on Undernet:
hadd pnp. $+ $cid -xwacc.username <yourregisterednickname> | _loadxwa

However if you do, you'll find that PnP complains:
*** Server does not recognize _LOADXWA command
This is because _LOADXWA is a local alias (L1079 XW.PPA)

My suggestion would be to either accept the current situation or add an alias to XW.PPA that you need to run manually on UnderNet each time you re-connect to your bouncer. For example:
alias zncxwa1 { if ($network == UnderNet) hadd pnp. $+ $cid -xwacc.username SiD | _loadxwa }

The below image shows you pre-registration (on the left) and post-registration (on the right) that the command in the code adds my registered nick to hash table for $cid (in this case pnp.7576) as well as channel + channel access level.

Hope I've clarified it a bit.

Let us know how you go!