Peace and Protection forum

Users with \ in their nicks

cyberdeath - 27-12-2008 at 06:42

I am having a problem with users who have \ in their nick. When I send them a /msg, it gives me an error:
Dec26[23:36:30] ••• [shocked:pinpoint] No such user

It replaces the \ with a :. However, I can /notice the users fine without a problem. The problem occurs when I even do a /raw PRIVMSG theirnick.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

solbu - 29-12-2008 at 01:56

And you have checked that this does not happend on mIRC without the PnP script also? .. in order to verify it is a PnP issiue.
(i no longer use mIRC as I no longer have windows, so I can not check myself.)

cifre - 5-1-2009 at 23:45

I have no issues with this. I tested with 3 nicks:
[22:28] * Your nick is now \s
[22:36] * Your nick is now tes\a
[22:36] * Your nick is now test\

and I had no problems neither with simple mIRC nor with PnP.
mIRC version: 6.21

Maybe it is a problem with a different mIRC version. What version are you using?

craze - 9-1-2009 at 18:27

I'd make sure it's not the server (or bouncer if used) acting up, following the failure of /raw PRIVMSG. Either by trying another network, or these simple steps:

1. Enable debug: /debug on
2. Send a private message to a nickname that gives the error.
3. Disable debug: /debug off
4. Examine debug.log to see what was sent to (->) and from (<-) the server. The colon or the backslash?

Good luck.

[Edited on 9-Jan-2009 by craze]